A Short Parisian Fling

This trip started out as an attempted do-over to visit London again, but this time during the summer. It ended up becoming a fun-packed girl’s trip making new memories with my girls. So how did this Euro fling come together? The same way any idea becomes a grand plan when ladies sit down, vibe […]
A Blush Romper is the Answer for Paris

We are in Paris, France and I’m about to meet up my friends for lunch in a chic local restaurant right near Arc De Triomphe, a really popular historic monument in Paris. Unlike my first visit to Paris back in 2010-2011, I am more in tune with my personal sense of style by now. So […]
People Should Know This About Shirt Dresses

A shirt dress is one of those versatile pieces, and as many versatile pieces you have in your wardrobe, the more you can make your outfits go the mile for you. I mean, let’s say you have a shirtdress, you can style it in so many ways and therefore make many outfits out of one […]
Is Orange Really The New Black?

Imagine for second with me that you’re a painter, an artist with your canvas, paintbrushes, and watercolors set up for you to begin your process. Then you get this amazing inspiration to create new colors for this masterpiece you’re about to work on, so you begin to create as you go along. Let’s say the […]
Here Come New Ideas For Your Pink Blouses

Every stylish babe needs to have a pink moment, it’s a chance to show your softer side. You can do this especially with a soft pink tone rather than a popping, deeper or hot pink; no no, those we reserve for those days we want to make a strong but kinda sweet presence. The softer […]
Wearing Pink Leopards The Understated Way

How can a loud, noisy print and color as seen in a pink leopard print, get styled in an understated way? The notion almost makes no sense, not until you look at it this way. Imagine my pink leopard dress here, with a huge black fur coat over it and a neon yellow clutch to […]
3 Problems With These Funky Denim Shorts

One, things can look real trashy real quick with just any top paired with funky, busy, denim shorts like mine. The right top (and overall styling of the outfit) can make you look cool and well put together or really crazy. And trust me looking crazy is a vibe too, so no judgments from me […]
Warning: Ripped Jeans Can Add This To Your Style

As soon as you put on those ripped jeans, your outfit gains a fierceness, or that fabulous edge it was missing. We can compare it to a missing spice from a delicious food recipe, you know, the spice that can really bring the whole dish together; so it is a similar effect with ripped jeans […]
The Oddest Outfit to Wear to Bermuda

My trip to Bermuda was a total beachy relaxation vibe kinda trip. So packing this vibrant, print romper was a no brainer for me. I mean, have you seen how I travel to beachy vacay spots? I love to show legs, thighs, and all my skin. Besides the fact that it’s hot typically when […]
3 Things That Won’t Happen In This Blue Dress

Well, for starters I will not go running in this dress, even if it’s to catch my arriving train and I just needed to run down a few stairs. Just imagine me doing all that in this dress that restricts my movements and in these really skinny high heels, then imagine me toppling over and […]