#Flashback to May 2019, when I visited Colombia in South America.
Colombia became one of my most memorable travel experiences so far.
I had so much fun each day I didn’t want to return to my reality called real life hahaha.
The trip felt very chilled and full of fun activities with the locals of the various places we explored;
from the small town named Getsemani where we stayed to the island we hopped to briefly, via a small boat.
The whole trip basically got paced by how we felt in each moment and where on our little map we wanted to explore.
And by we I mean, me and my baby brother pictured all over these images with moi.
Here’s how our days went:
First, breakfast looked like this for us every day before we headed out into the streets and out all about town.

There was this food park that by my special request, we went there and ate every day.
It was like our fallback spot no matter what we did each day.

Some days after eating, we go sit by the water and let our feet hang while we chilled,
talked, ate dessert, or walk the food park while living in the moments.

Then there was that one time we spent half a day exploring another town nearby.
We learned their history, hung out with the locals in that region, we even dipped in volcanic ash for a spa mud bath moment,
and then washed off in the river nearby.